Power packed on every route

Volvo Trucks

Volvo trucks — where relia­bi­lity meets perfor­mance!

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Volvo Trucks - Leistungsstarke LKW für jeden Einsatz
Robuste Volvo Trucks für den Transport.

With the reliable Volvo Trucks you are always on the right side

Ready for any challenge!

Official service partner

As an offi­cial Volvo Trucks service part­ner, we are happy to provide you with expert advice on the features of the various models and support you with our service offers at any time.

Long-haul transportation

The Volvo FH and FM trucks are speci­fi­cally desi­gned for long-haul trans­port, offe­ring maxi­mum driving comfort with mini­mum fuel consump­tion.

Construction site transportation

The Volvo FMX is ideally suited for off-road use on cons­truc­tion sites due to its robust cons­truc­tion and unbeata­ble maneu­vera­bi­lity

Distribution transport

The Volvo FL allows for quick and secure deli­veries in narrow streets and dense city traf­fic.

Uwe Dietrich

I am happy to assist
you with your questions

Are you looking for the right Volvo Trucks model
for your company? Feel free to cont­act me and I will
provide you with the neces­sary infor­ma­tion.

Uwe Dietrich neben einem Volvo Truck.
Unsere Volvo Trucks bieten Lösungen für verschiedene Transportaufgaben.

Volvo Trucks is advancing e-mobility

Investing in the future!

For those who seek envi­ron­men­tally friendly vehi­cles for their own haulage busi­ness and want to bene­fit from govern­ment subsi­dies of up to 80%, Volvo Trucks’ elec­tric trucks are a great choice.

As one of the market leaders, the manu­fac­tu­rer is one of the driving forces behind the latest deve­lo­p­ments in the elec­tric segment of the trans­port indus­try. With the aim of avoi­ding emis­si­ons and redu­cing the total cost of owner­ship, Volvo Trucks now offers all its truck models with elec­tric motors. As a service part­ner, we are happy to provide you with full advice on the various vehicle types.

The bene­fits of Volvo Trucks’ elec­tric trucks:

  • Zero emis­si­ons during opera­tion
  • Long range (up to 300 km) and high payload capa­city
  • Powerful batte­ries
  • Low main­ten­ance costs compared to combus­tion engi­nes

As an official Volvo Trucks service partner,
we are here to assist you

Vehicles for every mission!

Whether you are looking for a vehicle for urban, long-haul or cons­truc­tion site trans­port, with its commer­cial vehi­cles Volvo Trucks offers a suita­ble trans­por­ta­tion solu­tion. Known for their high quality and relia­bi­lity, Volvo trucks still deli­ver their full power even in the most chal­len­ging condi­ti­ons.

As an offi­cial service part­ner, we can provide detailed advice on the respec­tive features of each model. With our compre­hen­sive main­ten­ance and repair service, we ensure that you enjoy your newly acqui­red Volvo truck for a long time.

Volvo Trucks
Unsere Volvo Trucks sind mit innovativen Funktionen ausgestattet.

Do you have questions about our Volvo trucks?
Contact us directly.

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Volvo Trucks - Pioniere im Transportsektor

With the Volvo truck models FH and FM you are
perfectly equipped for long-distance transport

Enduringly powerful!

With the Volvo FH and Volvo FM, Volvo Trucks offers you two truck models that have been speci­ally desi­gned for long-distance use. In long-haul trans­port, a busy sche­dule is the order of the day, which is why delays or down­time must be avoided at all costs. That’s why you need commer­cial vehi­cles you can always rely on to keep things running smoothly and deli­ver on time.

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The Volvo FMX truck model is a must-have on any construction site

Handling heavy loads with ease!

Cons­truc­tion sites require robust vehi­cles that can still operate smoothly even under the most chal­len­ging condi­ti­ons and far from paved roads. That’s why Volvo Trucks has deve­lo­ped the FMX, a truck that can handle rough envi­ron­ments and unfor­gi­ving terrains effort­lessly.

The Volvo FMX is equip­ped with:

  • A powerful engine with up to 540 hp
  • Dyna­mic Stee­ring (elec­tric stee­ring)
  • Disen­ga­geable drive lift axle
  • High ground clearance due to a special rear axle
  • Rein­forced front axles
  • Excep­tio­nal maneu­vera­bi­lity due to up to 4 stee­ring axles
  • Relia­ble trac­tion control
  • Auto­ma­tic all-wheel drive

With the Volvo FMX, you don’t have to worry about spin­ning wheels or lack of driving power, and ride comfort has also been conside­red in the design. You can expect a spacious cab, ergo­no­mic-shaped seats and user-friendly controls within easy reach.

Sabrina Weschenbach

Get in contact. We are happy
to be there for you.

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about F‑MAX or Ford trucks
in gene­ral? I’m available to provide my exper­tise at any time.

The Volvo FL truck model stands for efficiency and punctuality in distribution transport

Agile on the road!

In distri­bu­tion trans­port, deli­veries must be made quickly and relia­bly to satisfy custo­mers and work effi­ci­ently. With the compact Volvo FL, Volvo Trucks has a vehicle model that is ideally suited for this task. For exam­ple, the FL is desi­gned for frequent starts and stops and excels in its easy maneu­vera­bi­lity. Thanks to powerful all-wheel drive, you safely navi­gate in urban and regio­nal deli­very traf­fic, even in adverse condi­ti­ons and on snowy roads.

The Volvo FL offers drivers:

  • Full all-round view of pede­stri­ans and cyclists
  • Ergo­no­mic­ally shaped seats
  • High user-friend­li­ness
  • Storage space and compart­ments within easy reach
  • Low noise level due to insu­la­ted cabin
  • Non-slip entry at ground level

Volvo Trucks has placed great empha­sis on road safety and driver comfort during the design process. Due to its light­weight design, more cargo can be trans­por­ted at once without excee­ding the limits. Feel free to cont­act us if you would like to learn more about the advan­ta­ges of this truck.

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