Accelerate together

Our trucks will get you to your destination!

We under­stand your busi­ness and always help you quickly, flexi­bly and with a certain amount of crea­ti­vity.

Contact us now Browse vehicles

We are the pioneers in the commercial vehicle trading

With our trucks you own the road

In Wenden, our heart beats for the trade of commer­cial vehi­cles, because this is where our truck depart­ment is loca­ted. Our product range includes commer­cial vehi­cles with a gross vehicle weight of 2.8 tons and above. Whether it’s a van, a light or medium distri­bu­tion vehicle, a truck for natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal long-haul trans­port or a cons­truc­tion vehicle – we can find the right equip­ment for every appli­ca­tion in no time.

Further­more, we specia­lize in towing and reco­very vehi­cles of all kinds. You will bene­fit from our thirty years of know-how in this deman­ding segment. Feel free to visit us and find out why we can rightfully claim: From profes­sio­nals for profes­sio­nals.

Buy trucks Rent trucks
Dietrich Trucks sind für den professionellen Einsatz konzipiert und bieten höchste Leistungsfähigkeit.

Service workshop

Quality that moves you!

From repairs to main­ten­ance, our work­shop team takes care of your trucks’ profes­sio­nal main­ten­ance.

Service workshop

Sabrina Weschenbach

Get in contact. We are happy
to be there for you.

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about F‑MAX or Ford trucks
in gene­ral? I’m available to provide my exper­tise at any time.

Erfahren Sie, wie Dietrich Trucks maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihr Unternehmen bieten können.

Buy trucks

Vehicles that impress!

Our fleet offers you a wide selec­tion of high-quality trucks, ensu­ring you are well prepared for any task

Buy trucks Browse vehicles

Rent trucks

Flexibility on wheels!

With us, you can not only rent a suita­ble truck but also bene­fit from our compre­hen­sive range of services. Stay­ing mobile has never been easier!

Rent trucks Browse vehicles
Ein malerischer Sonnenuntergang begleitet diesen Renault Truck auf seiner Reise.

Uwe Dietrich

Want to learn more about our trucks?

I look forward to hearing from you!
Cont­act me today to discuss your
request and get more infor­ma­tion.

Uwe Dietrich neben einem Volvo Truck.