Innovation on demand

Rent special vehicles and tow trucks now

Whether for reco­very, trans­port, traf­fic area clea­ning or break­down assis­tance — you can hire a wide range of specia­li­sed vehi­cles and tow trucks from us.


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Abschleppwagen kaufen leicht gemacht - Entdecken Sie unsere Auswahl an Spezialfahrzeugen.

Need immediate help? Hire specialised vehicles and tow trucks now!

Special trucks for every challenge

Find out why it’s worth hiring specia­li­sed vehi­cles and tow trucks from us:

Extensive fleet
From tow trucks to reco­very and break­down assis­tance vehi­cles to traf­fic area clea­ning machi­nes, you can hire a wide range of specia­li­sed vehi­cles from us.
Flexible rental options
Our rental agree­ments range from short-term peri­ods to long-term leases for more exten­sive projects and can be flexi­bly adapted to your needs.
Comprehensive payment options
To mini­mise your finan­cial burden, we also offer pay-per-use models in addi­tion to conven­tio­nal payment methods, where you only pay for the vehicle time you actually use.
Customised service
Our custo­mer service team is on hand to support you throug­hout the entire hire process. We also train your employees directly on site and offer a deli­very and coll­ec­tion service on request.
Bridging downtimes
If one of your own vehi­cles breaks down unex­pec­tedly or you need to bridge the waiting time for a newly orde­red vehicle, we are happy to offer you the option of hiring one of our vehi­cles to tide you over.
Fast availability
Thanks to the rapid and uncom­pli­ca­ted avai­la­bi­lity of our vehi­cles, we are the ideal choice for cities and muni­ci­pa­li­ties looking for specia­li­sed vehi­cles.
Robuste Abschleppwagen bei Dietrich Trucks kaufen.

Tow truck hire from Dietrich: your reliable choice for specialised vehicles

Versatile selection for a wide range of requirements

Your projects deserve the right equip­ment. That’s why we offer a wide range of specia­li­sed vehi­cles for hire, suita­ble for a wide variety of appli­ca­ti­ons. Regard­less of whether you work in the cons­truc­tion indus­try, want to reco­ver vehi­cles or have special trans­port requi­re­ments — you are guaran­teed to find the right truck with us.

Our rental fleet is parti­cu­larly well-posi­tio­ned in the towing and reco­very sector thanks to tow trucks with inte­gra­ted loading cranes and powerful lorry reco­very vehi­cles.

Get advice now Dietrich Assistance

Joel Otte

One call is all it takes: Hire special vehicles and tow trucks for your projects now!

If you’re looking to hire first-class specia­li­sed vehi­cles or tow trucks, you’ve come to the right place. Cont­act us today to find out more about our exten­sive hire and payment opti­ons and to receive a perso­na­li­sed quote.

Abschleppwagen kaufen für jeden Bedarf - Informieren Sie sich jetzt bei Dietrich Trucks.

Tow trucks on demand: Hire the power you need!

Powerful trucks for large orders

Thanks to our flexi­ble hire opti­ons and our wide range of tow trucks and reco­very vehi­cles, you can solve virtually any task effi­ci­ently. If requi­red, we are also able to adapt our specia­li­sed vehi­cles to your indi­vi­dual needs.

Our hire fleet includes the follo­wing vehi­cles, among others:

  • Car reco­very vehicle
  • Truck tow and reco­very vehi­cles
  • Roadside assis­tance vehi­cles for cars, trucks and buses
  • Car tow and reco­very vehi­cles with plat­form
  • Car tow and reco­very vehi­cles with plat­form and crane
  • Trai­lers for vehicle trans­port
  • Road surface clea­ning machi­nes / oil spill clea­ners

Our service knows no bounds: Rent a special vehicle or tow truck now

We will not let you down!

If you hire a specia­li­sed vehicle or tow truck from us, our custo­mer advi­sors will be on hand to provide you with relia­ble support even after the instruc­tion. We keep in regu­lar cont­act and offer important infor­ma­tion and tech­ni­cal support at any time on request.

Our dedi­ca­ted service team ensu­res that ever­y­thing runs smoothly and that you can concen­trate fully on your busi­ness.

Moderne Spezialfahrzeuge - Abschleppwagen kaufen bei Dietrich Trucks.

More than just a tow truck: hire a traffic area cleaning machine

Clean offers for every challenge!

In addi­tion to tow trucks, reco­very and break­down assis­tance vehi­cles, you can also hire traf­fic area clea­ning machi­nes from us. These can be used to easily remove dirt and hazar­dous debris from roads, indus­trial faci­li­ties and other surfaces. Equip­ped with inno­va­tive func­tions such as swee­ping and suction devices as well as water and air clea­ning systems, they offer an effi­ci­ent clea­ning solu­tion for every appli­ca­tion.

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In addition to tow trucks, you can also hire various specialised vehicles from us

Special trucks that leave nothing to be desired!

To ensure that we fully meet your requi­re­ments, the follo­wing vehi­cles are also part of our fleet:

  • Short timber, long timber & buil­ding mate­rial trans­por­ters
  • Three-way, skip, roll-off & hook-lift tippers
  • Loading crane vehi­cles
  • Refri­ge­ra­ted box body
  • Swap body & BDF vehi­cles
  • Muni­ci­pal vehi­cles
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Abschleppwagen kaufen: Entdecken Sie unsere vielfältigen Modelle.
Dietrich Trucks - Ihr Partner um Abschleppwagen zu kaufen.

Hire sought-after special vehicles and tow trucks

Brands you can rely on!

Quality and relia­bi­lity are our top prio­ri­ties when it comes to hiring out our tow trucks and specia­li­sed vehi­cles. We ther­e­fore work exclu­si­vely with renow­ned manu­fac­tu­r­ers and also guaran­tee that our fleet is serviced and inspec­ted at regu­lar inter­vals.

You can hire these manu­fac­tu­rer brands from us:

  • Ford Trucks
  • Volvo Trucks
  • Renault Trucks
  • MAN
  • Daim­ler Trucks
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