Commercial vehicles from Dietrich

Special vehicles for special operations

With us you will find suita­ble commer­cial vehi­cles for reco­very, towing, road surface clea­ning, roadside assis­tance and many other of your requi­re­ments.

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Abschleppwagen kaufen leicht gemacht - Entdecken Sie unsere Auswahl an Spezialfahrzeugen.

Buy tow trucks and recovery vehicles from Dietrich and be ready for any task

Maximum performance for maximum challenges!

Expe­ri­ence the bene­fits of a special vehicle from Diet­rich.

From professionals for professionals
We have deca­des of expe­ri­ence in roadside assis­tance, vehicle towing and reco­very, as well as profes­sio­nal road surface clea­ning.
One contact person
With us, you will have a fixed cont­act person who will provide you with expert advice on chas­sis, attach­ments and retro­fits, as well as full support up to finan­cing and main­ten­ance of your vehicle.
Transparent consultation
In order to be able to adapt the confi­gu­ra­tion of our vehi­cles to your indi­vi­dual needs in the best possi­ble way, we always have an open ear for your concerns.
Special vehicles
We offer a wide range of special vehi­cles, so you will always find what you are looking for – no matter what kind of special vehicle you require.
Robuste Abschleppwagen bei Dietrich Trucks kaufen.

Benefit from decades of experience and buy tow trucks or recovery vehicles at Dietrich

The road is our second home!

We have deca­des of expe­ri­ence in towing cars, trucks, and buses of all sizes, so we know exactly what it takes to handle special vehi­cles. Whether you want to buy a tow truck or find the right equip­ment for road surface clea­ning, with our accu­mu­la­ted exper­tise we will be happy to assist you.

Our advan­tage: With us, you will receive full support and a fixed cont­act person who will provide you with expert advice on manu­fac­tu­r­ers, suppli­ers, and body buil­ders!

Get advice now Dietrich Assistance

Joel Otte

Interested in our powerful special vehicles?

Feel free to cont­act me! I am myself regu­larly
on the road with our trucks and ther­e­fore
the ideal cont­act person for all your ques­ti­ons!

Abschleppwagen kaufen für jeden Bedarf - Informieren Sie sich jetzt bei Dietrich Trucks.

We offer recovery vehicles for every situation

No truck too heavy, no job too big!

Whether it’s loading or reco­very, new or used vehi­cles, body­work or complete packa­ges – with our wide range of tow trucks and reco­very vehi­cles, you can solve just about any trans­por­ta­tion task. If needed, we are also able to address your speci­fic needs and make vehicle modi­fi­ca­ti­ons, from design concepts to hand­wa­shing faci­li­ties.

You can buy the follo­wing tow trucks, reco­very and roadside assis­tance vehi­cles from us:

  • Car reco­very vehicle
  • Truck tow and reco­very vehi­cles
  • Roadside assis­tance vehi­cles for cars, trucks and buses
  • Car tow and reco­very vehi­cles with plat­form
  • Car tow and reco­very vehi­cles with plat­form and crane
  • Trai­lers for vehicle trans­port
  • Road surface clea­ning machi­nes / oil spill clea­ners

Buy a tow truck and have it customized

We offer various vehicle customizations!

With us, you can not only buy your tow truck but also have it custo­mi­zed to match your corpo­rate iden­tity. From paint­work and lette­ring to equip­ping with various access­ories, we offer nume­rous design opti­ons. Feel free to explore our truck styling and access­ories offe­rings.

Discover styling Discover accessories

Buy tow trucks and enjoy a carefree package

We are here for you with any questions!

When you buy a tow truck from us, you can rely on us for assis­tance with any issues or uncer­tain­ties. This is because our custo­mer consul­tants are still in regu­lar cont­act with you, even after you have been properly instruc­ted and, if you wish, will provide you with important infor­ma­tion or offer you tech­ni­cal support at any time.

In addi­tion, we support you in bridging down­time with our rental vehi­cles. If you only need the vehicle for a speci­fic period, you can also rent it from us at a cost-effec­tive rate.

Since we sell our tow trucks not only in Germany but also world­wide, you can order your tow truck directly from us for inter­na­tio­nal deli­very. Our dedi­ca­ted service team takes care of the entire orga­niza­tion, saving you from the hassle of deal­ing with bureau­cracy.

Moderne Spezialfahrzeuge - Abschleppwagen kaufen bei Dietrich Trucks.

Dietrich's road surface cleaning machines

Clean roads for safer traffic!

In addi­tion to tow trucks, reco­very vehi­cles and roadside assis­tance vehi­cles, you can also purchase road surface clea­ning machi­nes from us. These machi­nes effort­lessly remove dirt and hazar­dous depo­sits from road surfaces, indus­trial faci­li­ties and other surfaces. They are equip­ped with a variety of features, inclu­ding swee­ping and suction devices, as well as water and air puri­fi­ca­tion systems.

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More than just towing

Other special vehicles in our range

In order to fulfil your requi­re­ments in every respect, our “Special Trucks” product range also includes the follo­wing vehi­cles:

  • Short timber, long timber & buil­ding mate­rial trans­por­ters
  • Three-way, skip, roll-off & hook-lift tippers
  • Loading crane vehi­cles
  • Refri­ge­ra­ted box body
  • Swap body & BDF vehi­cles
  • Muni­ci­pal vehi­cles
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Abschleppwagen kaufen: Entdecken Sie unsere vielfältigen Modelle.
Dietrich Trucks - Ihr Partner um Abschleppwagen zu kaufen.

Buy high-quality recovery vehicles and tow trucks

Benefit from our purchasing advantages!

Our goal is not to simply sell you a vehicle but to provide you with the opti­mal tool for your ever­y­day work. We aim to under­stand your requi­re­ments and prefe­ren­ces in order to supply you with a high-quality specia­li­zed vehicle that is tail­o­red to your needs and ensu­res maxi­mum work safety. To achieve this, we leverage our global network of manu­fac­tu­r­ers, body­buil­ders, and acces­sory suppli­ers, which allows us to access a wide range of favorable purcha­sing condi­ti­ons.

We work with the follo­wing brands:

  • Ford Trucks
  • Volvo Trucks
  • Renault Trucks
  • MAN 
  • Daim­ler Trucks

In addi­tion, we offer very attrac­tive finan­cing opti­ons, inclu­ding chas­sis and body pre-finan­cing, “Buy Back” trade-ins and our “Sale & Lease-Back” program.

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Buy a tow truck from us and

Benefit from service partnership with EMPL

Among other things, we are an offi­cial EMPL service part­ner for truck bodies. This part­ner­ship includes ever­y­thing you need for worry-free use of your vehi­cles, from perso­nal custo­mer service and profes­sio­nal main­ten­ance to compre­hen­sive repairs.