Customized styling

Trucks that catch everyone's eyes!

Built for trans­port, desi­gned to fasci­nate.

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Außergewöhnliches Truck Styling und LKW Design für den Truck des 1.FC Köln.

Truck styling at the highest level

Reach your destination in style!

Legendary paint jobs
Whether large or small areas, glossy or matte – thanks to state-of-the-art proces­ses, we don’t shy away from any pain­ting chal­lenge and use special colors on request.
Special lettering
From indi­vi­dual pieces to fleets, our design depart­ment colla­bo­ra­tes with you to create a unique vehicle look.
Water transfer printing and mirror coating
We are constantly expan­ding our port­fo­lio and using new tech­ni­ques to comple­tely cover even complex surfaces with trendy patterns in carbon, wood or chrome finish.
Fancy attachments
We manu­fac­ture most of our unique features in-house and rely on well-known manu­fac­tu­r­ers for products that we cannot produce oursel­ves.
Dietrich Trucks mit außergewöhnlichem Truck Styling beim Trucker-Treffen am Nürburgring.

Attract attention with exceptional truck designs

Trucks that not only drive but inspire!

If you want a truck with a unique design, you have come to the right place. Whether you’re crui­sing on high­ways or spee­ding down coun­try roads, with our truck styling, you’ll defi­ni­tely stand out from the crowd of trucks.

Because we know exactly what real truckers dream of: a powerful engine, clear roads and an impres­sive appearance that earns reco­gni­tion and vali­da­tion from the truck­ing commu­nity.

From full paint job to full wraps in elabo­rate digi­tal prin­ting, we present your truck in the perfect light. With our uncon­ven­tio­nal features, we offer you the oppor­tu­nity to conti­nu­ally reinvent the design of your truck. Feel free to cont­act us if you would like advice on our truck styling offe­rings.

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Eugen Lang

Unique designs are
your thing?

Do you want to spice up your trucks? Then let me
advise you on our compre­hen­sive styling offer
and confi­gu­ra­tion opti­ons!

Werkstattleiter Eugen Lang neben Dietrich Truck auf der Autobahn

Fight the driver shortage with truck styling

Our truck designs increase your recognition value!

We have the perfect tip for you to over­come the acute shortage of profes­sio­nal drivers: invest in the styling of your trucks and the search for new employees will take care of itself.

Because our truck styling provi­des:

  • A unique look that earns you reco­gni­tion
  • High driving comfort with a feel-good atmo­sphere
  • Prac­ti­cal gadgets that make ever­y­day work easier
  • Great reco­gni­tion value on the road

Show­ing your appre­cia­tion to your employees by invol­ving them in the precise design of the truck not only rewards you with their loyalty but is sure to attract new drivers to your company!

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Truck Styling für eine markante Optik - Verleihen Sie Ihrem Truck das gewisse Etwas mit unserem umfangreichen Styling-Angebot!

Truck design with great attention to detail

Unmistakably unique!

You want to stand out from the crowd, add an indi­vi­dual touch and impress with your trucks? Then you should defi­ni­tely take a look at our wide range of services!

Our truck styling services include:

  • the deve­lo­p­ment of custom access­ories
  • the instal­la­tion with sound systems and elec­tro­nics
  • the indi­vi­dual design of the body­work area
  • mirror coating, pain­ting, lette­ring and motif prin­ting
  • seve­ral years of expe­ri­ence in the water trans­fer prin­ting process
  • soft­ware opti­miza­tion, perfor­mance enhance­ment, etc.

We guaran­tee you won’t find more style than this! Cont­act us today and turn your dream into a new truck.

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Faszinierendes Truck Styling - Entdecken Sie die Vielfalt unserer Styling-Produkte für eine individuelle Gestaltung.

Eugen Lang

Unique designs are
your thing?

Want to spice up your trucks? Then let me advise you
on our compre­hen­sive styling opti­ons and
confi­gu­ra­tion possi­bi­li­ties!

Werkstattleiter Eugen Lang neben Dietrich Truck auf der Autobahn