Always on the pulse of time, always one truck ahead!

Dietrich GmbH: Your business is our drive!

We combine years of expe­ri­ence, a passion for trucks and enthu­si­asm for new tech­no­lo­gi­cal advance­ments,
so that we can help you quickly and relia­bly.

Discover trucks now Contact us now

Trucks are our expertise

No compromises – only the best commercial vehicles!

Our goal is to provide you with the best trucks without compro­mi­sing on quality. We are highly respon­sive and constantly adapt to current market chan­ges as well as speci­fic custo­mer needs.

Discover trucks now Contact us now

Focus on customer benefits

Customized trucks for your success!

Custo­mer satis­fac­tion is our top prio­rity. That’s why our dedi­ca­ted team works closely with you to fully under­stand your needs and provide you with tail­o­red solu­ti­ons and trucks. Whether it’s urgent requests, deli­veries or tech­ni­cal support, we ensure that you receive prompt and cost-effec­tive assis­tance.

Effizientes Flottenmanagement mit Dietrich Trucks - optimale Lösungen für Ihr Unternehmen.

A strong team, for strong trucks – we go full throttle!

Our management

Always one step ahead – we live and brea­the trucks and are fami­liar with the trends and deve­lo­p­ments in the indus­try.

Betriebsleiter Daniel Stoldt vor weißem Hintergrund.
Daniel Stoldt
Operations Manager / Authorized Signatory
Der kaufmännische Leiter Dominik Grasse vor dem weißen Dietrich Trucks Logo.
Dominik Grasse
Commercial Manager / Authorized Signatory
Dietrich Trucks sind in allen Größen und Farben erhältlich.

Trucks that write stories

Once you ride with us, you'll never want to get off!

In addi­tion to the quality of our products and services, our focus is on incre­asing our custo­mers’ produc­ti­vity. Our trucks are desi­gned to opti­mize your work­flow and help you achieve your busi­ness goals effi­ci­ently. Their unique features stron­gly set them apart from other commer­cial vehi­cles, giving your company a distinc­tive look on the road.

Always on the road to success!

What we have achieved with our trucks

Foun­ded as a simple car work­shop, we are incre­di­bly proud of our over thirty-year success story, which has made us not only an offi­cial Ford Trucks dealer and service part­ner, but also an offi­cial service part­ner for Volvo Trucks and Renault Trucks.

In addi­tion, we have one of the most modern and best-equip­ped truck work­shops in the region and have been able to build our own truck rental fleet, which enables us to support our custo­mers’ indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments in every respect.

Dietrich celebrates world premiere

Newly developed "LIVING - Driver Single Cab" equipment

After more than a year of deve­lo­p­ment, we are over­joyed to present our “LIVING — Driver Single Cab” equip­ment. This inno­va­tive driver’s cab concept aims to bring back a sense of life­style in ever­y­day work for truckers.

The concept stands for comfort and func­tion­a­lity at afforda­ble prices. High-quality mate­ri­als combi­ned with a sophisti­ca­ted spatial concept trans­forms the previous func­tional space into a luxu­rious feel-good oasis.

Find out more
Die geräumige und komfortable Fahrerkabine eines Dietrich Trucks sorgt für ein angenehmes Fahrerlebnis.
Innovative Produktlinien von Dietrich Trucks - Vorreiter in der Branche.

Risen from the ashes

New workshop in Wenden

When our work­shop went up in flames in Novem­ber 2021, we expe­ri­en­ced what was likely the darkest day in our company’s history. The images of the devas­ta­ting fire are still deeply ingrai­ned in the memo­ries of ever­yone invol­ved.

That’s why we are even more deligh­ted to have star­ted buil­ding our new truck work­shop just 316 days after the devas­ta­ting work­shop fire. Here, 15 highly quali­fied employees on eight repair lanes take care of keeping your fleet running effi­ci­ently.