Welcome to our Cab

Driving and living comfort redefined!

Thanks to our Driver Single Cab equip­ment “LIVING” for Ford Trucks, Renault Trucks and Volvo Trucks, your truck beco­mes your second home and the search for lorry drivers beco­mes child’s play. Finan­cing and instal­la­tion remain within accep­ta­ble dimen­si­ons thanks to subsi­dies from the envi­ron­men­tal protec­tion and safety subs­idy programme (form­erly De-mini­mis).

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Trucker dream luxury in the truck —
LIVING Driver Single Cab (WDR Lokalzeit Südwestfalen)
Die geräumige und komfortable Fahrerkabine eines Dietrich Trucks sorgt für ein angenehmes Fahrerlebnis.

Providing a home on wheels and ending the search for lorry drivers

New benchmark in terms of comfort and efficiency

The LIVING Driver Single Cab is a promi­sing solu­tion for truck drivers. This is because the cab combi­nes func­tion­a­lity and comfort in a fasci­na­ting way. In addi­tion to its main task as a powerful means of trans­port, a truck with this equip­ment has a certain motor­home charm that attracts drivers as if by magic.

The inte­rior reve­als a cosy oasis consis­ting of:

  • inte­gra­ted wash­ba­sin
  • Prac­ti­cal folding table
  • High-quality dining and cooking area
  • micro­wave, fridge and coffee machine
  • ample storage space
  • and a comfor­ta­ble lounge corner

- all perfectly arran­ged in the smal­lest of spaces to enable the driver to enjoy a comfor­ta­ble and plea­sant jour­ney.

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Constantly on the search for truck drivers? Not with LIVING

Comfort that can be driven!

Hours of sitting, dead­line pres­sure, traf­fic jams and constant concen­tra­tion on the road can lead to physi­cal and mental exhaus­tion in the long term — no wonder that the search for lorry drivers is often diffi­cult. Fort­u­na­tely, a comfor­ta­ble and well-equip­ped cab can help and offers haulage compa­nies nume­rous advan­ta­ges:

Find new truck drivers
With the comfor­ta­bly furnis­hed living area of the LIVING, you can successfully attract profes­sio­nal drivers to your haulage company.
Avoid staff turnovers
If you improve the well-being of your employees with the compre­hen­sive LIVING equip­ment, you will auto­ma­ti­cally be rewarded by their loyalty.
Save costs
Thanks to self-suffi­ci­ent supply opti­ons, such as a fully func­tional sink and a micro­wave, expen­sive motel stays can be dispen­sed with.
Increase safety
With its three came­ras, the upgradeable Safety Add-On increa­ses the safety of your drivers at rest areas and car parks.
Increase comfort
The well thought-out living area with cosy lounge corner, prac­ti­cal kitchen equip­ment and gene­rous storage space offers your drivers a comfor­ta­ble and effi­ci­ent working area.
Making long-distance journeys easier
Kitchen faci­li­ties, a fresh water source and a cosy atmo­sphere contri­bute signi­fi­cantly to rela­xa­tion during break times.
Upgrade your workplace
A well-equip­ped cab gives your lorries a welco­ming atmo­sphere that boosts morale and has a posi­tive effect on the gene­ral working atmo­sphere.
Image and Corporate culture
Inves­t­ing in comfor­ta­ble cabs shows that you care about the well-being of your employees and promote a posi­tive corpo­rate culture.
Increase resale value
Thanks to its high-quality equip­ment, the LIVING Driver Single Cab is also in high demand on the used vehicle market.

Invest in equipment and successfully complete the search for lorry drivers

LIVING: For drivers who want more - and haulage companies that offer it!

The possi­bi­li­ties offe­red by the LIVING inspire lorry drivers across the board! With the conver­sion, you can ther­e­fore not only signi­fi­cantly shor­ten the search for quali­fied drivers, but also gain them as posi­tive ambassa­dors for your haulage company who actively contri­bute to the recruit­ment of new employees.

But that’s not all: thanks to state-of-the-art tech­no­logy such as a map modem, Amazon ALEXA and came­ras with motion sensors and night vision, the effi­ci­ency and safety of your trucks will be raised to a new level.

Request LIVING equipment now

Promote your investment and find the best lorry drivers

Directive-compliant and profitable: a conversion that pays off!

Scep­ti­cal as to whether the conver­sion will really pay off when looking for new truck drivers? Don’t worry! Thanks to our effi­ci­ent series produc­tion, we keep the costs low. Depen­ding on the vehicle, the conver­sion costs around €12,500*, but is eligi­ble for up to 80% subs­idy under the guide­lines for ‘envi­ron­men­tal protec­tion and safety’. This means that the actual invest­ment is only around €2,500*.

In addi­tion, the LIVING Driver Single Cab is very popu­lar on the used vehicle market due to its high-quality equip­ment. So you are not only acqui­ring a vehicle that will bene­fit you in your search for lorry drivers, but will also gene­rate long-term value for your haulage company.

*plus value added tax

Contact us now

Hire the right truck and find lorry drivers as if by magic

Play it safe: Test the LIVING before you buy!

You also have the option of initi­ally test­ing the bene­fits of our LIVING Driver Single Cab by hiring one of our trucks with this equip­ment. This way, you can take your time to convince yours­elf of the bene­fits and quality of the conver­sion.

Rent a truck
Die beste Wahl: LIVING Driver Single Cab - Suche nach LKW-Fahrern beenden!

Increase the feel-good factor in the truck
and end the search for truck drivers

Goodbye driver shortage - welcome comfort!

The search for truck drivers is often chal­len­ging. The reason: tough working condi­ti­ons, lack of reco­gni­tion from the public and regu­lar weekend shifts have led to a serious shortage and high staff fluc­tua­tion.

Many drivers complain about

  • the poor work-life balance, because their work­place also serves as their home
  • being constantly on the road with little comfort in the trucks
  • long waiting times between trans­ports orders
  • the poor condi­tion of many sani­tary faci­li­ties at motor­way rest areas

If you want to over­come the shortage of profes­sio­nal drivers and easily find new truck drivers for your company, our LIVING — Driver Single Cab equip­ment offers the opti­mal solu­tion for you. The comfor­ta­bly furnis­hed cabin with its self-suffi­ci­ent hygiene faci­li­ties allows drivers to spend their stan­ding times and breaks in a comfor­ta­ble way, impro­ving your image as an employer.

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If you want to avoid the shortage of profes­sio­nal drivers and easily find new truck drivers for your forwar­ding agency, our LIVING — Driver Single Cab equip­ment ther­e­fore offers the opti­mal solu­tion for you.

The comfor­ta­bly furnis­hed cabin with its self-suffi­ci­ent hygiene faci­li­ties allows drivers to bridge their stand and break times in a comfor­ta­ble way and thus impro­ves your stan­ding as an employer.

Do you have any questions about
our LIVING - Driver Single Cab?

+49 2762 9250 635 Send an e-mail
LIVING Driver Single Cab: Die Ausstattung, die hilft, die Suche nach LKW-Fahrern zu beenden!

Looking for dedicated truck drivers?

A comfortable home on the go!

Our expert advice for finding truck drivers: Do not hesi­tate to invest in the well-being of your employees and show your appre­cia­tion by provi­ding them with a cozy home on wheels.

The stan­dard equip­ment of our LIVING includes:

  • a lounge area with ambi­ent light­ing
  • a dining and cooking area with a micro­wave, refri­ge­ra­tor and coffee machine
  • a wash­stand with an inte­gra­ted freshwa­ter tank
  • and a folding table with lots of storage space

In the end, both sides win: Your drivers can enjoy a comfor­ta­ble truck with inde­pen­dent supply opti­ons, while you are rewarded with their satis­fac­tion and loyalty. Our expe­ri­ence shows that LIVING also attracts many new truck drivers to your company!

In the search for truck drivers,
the formula for success is

Powerful truck
+ 100 % lifestyle

When desig­ning our cabin and sear­ching for the right equip­ment, we focu­sed prima­rily on the ever­y­day needs and life­style of truck drivers – just like the motto LIVING implies.

The result is a spacious cabin that can easily keep up with any motor home thanks to high-quality mate­ri­als and a well-thought-out spatial concept.

Look forward to:

  • a high level of driving comfort with a feel-good climate
  • prac­ti­cal gadgets that make ever­y­day work easier
  • a modern and harmo­nious look
  • indi­vi­dual custo­miza­tion opti­ons, such as the choice of wood decor or uphols­tery


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Successfully find and retain truck drivers in the long term

LIVING – A trucker's dream come true!

When looking for truck drivers these days, you have to offer them a lot due to the natio­nal shortage of skil­led workers. With our LIVING, that’s easy:

Just get up from the driver’s seat, put your feet up and, thanks to your own kitchenette and fully func­tional sink, you no longer must rely on unhe­althy road­house food or dirty sani­tary faci­li­ties. Who can say no to that?

Suche nach LKW-Fahrern beenden: LIVING Driver Single Cab und seine herausragende Ausstattung!

Additional upgrade options:

Digital Package
A card modem with 200 GB of monthly data allows rela­xing strea­ming evenings, while the inte­gra­ted Amazon ALEXA system ensu­res digi­tal comfort.
Safety Package
Our safety add-on provi­des the driver with full visi­bi­lity into what’s happe­ning in and around the truck at all times via three came­ras equip­ped with motion sensors and night vision.
The 600 W active subwoo­fer system provi­des rich sound and deep bass.

Questions? We have the answers!

Everything you need to know about the LIVING - including tips for finding lorry drivers

  • What are the costs for the conversion?

    Thanks to our efficient series production, we can keep costs low. The conversion varies depending on the vehicle type, but is usually around €12,500*. Thanks to the ‘Environmental protection and safety’ (formerly De-minimis) funding programme, up to 80% of the conversion is eligible for funding, meaning that the actual investment is only around €2,500*.

    *plus value added tax

  • How does the LIVING Driver Single Cab affect the resale value?

    Thanks to its high-quality equipment and comfort, the LIVING Driver Single Cab is very popular on the used vehicle market. This not only increases driver satisfaction, but also the long-term value of the haulage company.

  • What feedback have drivers who already use the LIVING Driver Single Cab given?

    The drivers have reacted extremely positively to the improvements! The luxurious equipment and the comfortable lounge corner have also led to a noticeable increase in their satisfaction and productivity.

Daniel Stoldt

Do you care about your drivers?

Then let me advise you on the advan­ta­ges
of our LIVING — Driver Single Cab equip­ment!

In public

News about the LIVING - Driver Single Cab

Here you will find all the news and releases rela­ted to our LIVING — Driver Single Cab.

NUFAM 2023 • F‑Trucks Deutschland GmbH • Truck & Trailer Welt

At the Nufam 2023 in Karls­ruhe, the Truck Trai­ler team visi­ted, among others, the exhi­bi­tion stand of F‑Trucks Deutsch­land GmbH. Holger Hahn presen­ted two Ford trac­tor units, inclu­ding an F‑MAX 500 with the special equip­ment “Driver Single Cab Living” from Ford part­ner Diet­rich Trucks.

NUFAM 2023: F‑Trucks Germany draws positive conclusion

F‑Trucks Germany was repre­sen­ted for the first time with a booth and vehi­cles at this year’s NUFAM2023 from Septem­ber 21 to 24. A special trade fair high­light was an F‑Max 500 with the special equip­ment Driver Single Cab “Living” from the part­ner Diet­rich.

F‑Trucks Germany draws a positive conclusion from NUFAM 2023

For the first time, the gene­ral importer for Ford Trucks was present at the commer­cial vehicle trade fair NUFAM. A special high­light was an F‑MAX 500 equip­ped with the special feature ‘Driver Single Cab “Living“ ‘ from part­ner Diet­rich GmbH, which repres­ents a pionee­ring approach to addres­sing the gene­ral driver shortage.

F‑Trucks Germany at NUFAM for the first time

Four F‑MAX 500 semi-trucks will be presen­ted at the main entrance and at booth E113 in Hall 1. One of the exhi­bits is equip­ped with the exclu­sive eligi­ble special equip­ment #Living.
Ford LIVING - Driver Single Cab by Dietrich

NUFAM: Off to Karlsruhe

After the hiatus due to the pande­mic, NUFAM returns in person this year from Septem­ber 21 to 24. In addi­tion to the nume­rous exhi­bi­tors, a program will inform atten­dees about the latest deve­lo­p­ments.
Ford LIVING - Driver Single Cab by Dietrich

Ford Trucks Premieres at NUFAM

Inte­res­ted indi­vi­du­als can visit a Ford Trucks booth at the southern German commer­cial vehicle fair from Septem­ber 21 to 24. Visi­tors can, among other things, inspect an exhi­bit equip­ped with the “Living” special equip­ment.

Ford Trucks: Premiere for the F‑MAX LIVING

For the second time this year, F‑Trucks was repre­sen­ted at the Truck Grand Prix. And quite promin­ently at that. Two F‑MAX trucks were displayed at their own booth in the indus­trial park, inclu­ding one with the new “Living Driver Single Cab.”

F‑Trucks #together at the Truck Grand Prix

If the current Ford Trucks motto #toge­ther fits an event, it’s the Truck Grand Prix at the Nürburg­ring! There’s no better place to find truck enthu­si­asts than at the annual high­light of the trucker scene in the Eifel.
Ford LIVING - Driver Single Cab by Dietrich

ADAC Truck Grand Prix: Ford Trucks Presents Itself with Partners

From July 13 to 16, more than 130,000 visi­tors gathe­red at the ADAC Truck Grand Prix at the Nürburg­ring. F‑Trucks Germany exhi­bi­ted two vehi­cles from the F‑Max model range on a 100-square-meter booth in the dealer and indus­trial fair, inclu­ding an F‑Max Living — Driver Single Cab.
Ford LIVING - Driver Single Cab by Dietrich

Messepark at the Truck Grand Prix — Premieres at the Ring

The commer­cial vehicle indus­try is no longer as scarce at the Truck Grand Prix as it was last year. Once again, Ford Trucks, or the Steg­maier Group as the distri­bu­tion orga­niza­tion, is making a state­ment in the fair­ground. Diet­rich Trucks is also part of it with the “Living Driving Single Cab” equip­ment, to be admi­red in a Ford F‑Max 500, among others.