Buy trucks

Ready for some truckin’ action?

Hit the road, ready, set, go: Buy a truck and leave the compe­ti­tion behind!

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Truck Styling für eine markante Optik - Verleihen Sie Ihrem Truck das gewisse Etwas mit unserem umfangreichen Styling-Angebot!
Maximale Effizienz für Ihre Logistik - LKW kaufen bei Dietrich Truck.

Buy a powerful truck from Dietrich

Always on the right track!

Popular brands

We are well-known throug­hout Europe, with deca­des of expe­ri­ence, and we colla­bo­rate with renow­ned part­ners such as Ford Trucks, Renault Trucks, and Volvo Trucks.

All-inclusive package

From vehicle presen­ta­tion to speci­fi­ca­tion and finan­cing, we provide our custo­mers with full support and a perma­nent cont­act person.

Lucrative investment

We always keep an eye on the total cost of owner­ship, ensu­ring that our custo­mers’ expen­ses pay off not only in econo­mic terms but also in terms of driver reten­tion.

Extensive network

Thanks to our years of expe­ri­ence, we have a strong network in the indus­try and exclu­si­vely work with relia­ble service provi­ders.

Sabrina Weschenbach

Get in contact. We are happy
to be there for you.

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about F‑MAX or Ford trucks
in gene­ral? I’m available to provide my exper­tise at any time.

Entdecken Sie die vielseitigen Nutzfahrzeuge von Volvo Trucks - Perfekt zum LKW kaufen und mieten.

Buy trucks with character

From standard trucks to eye-catchers!

Whether it’s for cons­truc­tion sites or long-haul – we have the right truck to meet your requi­re­ments. Our range extends from light trans­por­ters to semi­t­rai­ler trac­tors and heavy-duty trans­port vehi­cles for the cons­truc­tion site, waste manage­ment and forestry indus­tries.

When confi­gu­ring the vehi­cles, we tailor them to our custo­mers’ indi­vi­dual needs, allo­wing us to provide custo­mi­zed solu­ti­ons for every field of work. We are always at your side with expert advice on your dream vehicle!

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Buy a Dietrich truck and enjoy comprehensive services

More than just a transportation vehicle!

If you decide to purchase a high-quality truck,
you deserve full-service support.
From the initial consul­ta­tion to the regu­lar main­ten­ance of your vehi­cles,
we provide compre­hen­sive assis­tance.

In our modernly equip­ped work­shop, we take care of repairs,
servicing and main­ten­ance of your vehi­cles and thus ensure the perfect func­tion­a­lity
of your trucks at any time. We prio­ri­tize quality and profes­sio­na­lism to offer you a satis­fy­ing custo­mer expe­ri­ence.

Easily buy one of our trucks.
Contact us now.

+49 2762 9250 42 Send an e-mail

With us you can buy trucks of desirable brands

We supply the trucks that move Europe!

With our passion for trucks, we have built a relia­ble network of renow­ned manu­fac­tu­r­ers and service provi­ders. We are an offi­cial Ford Trucks dealer and service part­ner as well as service part­ner for Volvo Trucks and Renault Trucks.

Our vehicle range includes commer­cial vehi­cles with a gross vehicle weight of 2.8 tons and above, offe­ring a wide selec­tion of various truck types. If you buy your truck from us, you will have a compe­tently networked dealer at your side whose heart beats in the rhyth­mic hum of powerful engi­nes!

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LKW mieten - Starke Renault Truck Flotte für Ihre Transportanforderungen.
Entdecken Sie die vielseitigen Nutzfahrzeuge von Volvo Trucks - Perfekt zum LKW kaufen und mieten.

From transporters to tractors –
Our trucks are pre-owned yet like new

Strong, reliable, comfortable!

In addi­tion to new vehi­cles, we also deal with well-main­tai­ned used trucks.

Take advan­tage of our attrac­tive finan­cing and leasing offers:

  • Cost-effec­tive leasing
  • Finan­cing / Lease purchase: We offer you the option of renting the truck first and buying it at a later date.
  • Sale & rent back: We buy your truck, allo­wing you to rent it from us at a favorable rate.
  • Buy back: If you find a suita­ble truck with us, we will trade in your current truck at a fair price.

To deter­mine the prices of the trucks trans­par­ently, we rely on stan­dar­di­zed evalua­tion proce­du­res that involve coll­ec­ting all rele­vant infor­ma­tion and incor­po­ra­ting it into the clas­si­fi­ca­tion of the vehi­cles. Based on this foun­da­tion, we can guaran­tee you a fair price-perfor­mance ratio.

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Uwe Dietrich

Do you have any questions about purchasing one of our trucks?
Contact me now.

From basic equip­ment to special features,
feel free to reach out to me if you have
any ques­ti­ons about our trucks!

Geschäftsführer Uwe Dietrich neben einem Dietrich Truck auf der Autobahn