Ahead of its time

Ford Trucks presents a new era of transport with the F-MAX

Rely on strength, effi­ci­ency and driving comfort!

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Leistungsstarke LKWs von Ford Trucks

Trucks from Ford Trucks: equipped for any job, ready for any route

The advantages of the F-Max at a glance

With the F‑MAX, Ford Trucks has crea­ted a truck that combi­nes perfor­mance, comfort and inno­va­tion.

Comfortable cab
With an impres­sive storage space of 790 litres, the top-equip­ped comfort cab offers enough space for ever­y­thing you need while driving.
Powerful Ecotorq motor
The econo­mical 12.7 litre Ecotorq engine with 500 hp/2,500 Nm forms the heart of the powerful giant, which makes no compro­mi­ses on perfor­mance with its econo­mical drive.
Easy handling
Get in and drive off — the user-friendly design of the F‑MAX enables drivers of all levels of expe­ri­ence to get star­ted straight away without a long fami­lia­ri­sa­tion period.
Lightning-fast automation
With its opti­mi­sed shift stra­tegy and fast gear chan­ges, the fully auto­ma­ted Ecotorq trans­mis­sion provi­des a driving expe­ri­ence that lite­rally cata­pults you over the road.
Maximum fuel efficiency
The F‑Max drive­train is an engi­nee­ring master­piece that combi­nes maxi­mum fuel economy with unbrid­led power to give you a cost-effec­tive drive.
Electrohydraulic steering
Thanks to the elec­tro-hydrau­lic stee­ring, mano­eu­vring is child’s play and you can mano­eu­vre your vehicle confi­dently through any situa­tion.
Modern assistance systems
The state-of-the-art tech­no­logy on board the F‑Max not only offers maxi­mum safety, but also unri­val­led driving plea­sure.
Quiet driving experience
Thanks to its first-class noise insu­la­tion in the inte­rior, the F‑MAX offers drivers a quiet and rela­xed driving envi­ron­ment that can easily compete with the noise level in a car.

Ford Trucks offers a revolutionary truck cab concept for unrivalled comfort

F-MAX - for all those who are looking for the maximum!

Ford Trucks has rede­fi­ned the stan­dard for cabs by crea­ting an envi­ron­ment where drivers do not have to compro­mise on comfort while travel­ling. The 12.9 cubic metre cab offers a unique space concept that ensu­res maxi­mum comfort.

The cabin impres­ses with:

  • over­head storage space
  • a fully folding slee­ping berth
  • prac­ti­cal storage compart­ments
  • a through-loading option for the exte­rior storage compart­ments
Unsere Ford LKW - Zuverlässige Arbeitstiere für jede Herausforderung.

Sabrina Weschenbach

Get in contact. We are happy
to be there for you.

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about F‑MAX or Ford trucks
in gene­ral? I’m available to provide my exper­tise at any time.

Get to know the new Ford Trucks series

F-LINE: The future of trucking is here!

The Ford trucks in the new F‑LINE not only impress with their custo­mi­sed Ecotorq engine and trans­mis­sion, but also with their impres­sive exte­rior appearance and comfor­ta­ble inte­rior. Their striking radia­tor grille design and powerful fog lights give them an unmist­aka­ble look, while the ergo­no­mic entry, comfor­ta­ble driver’s seat and gene­rous field of vision ensure maxi­mum comfort.

  • F‑LINE trac­tor units: These robust machi­nes not only offer inno­va­tive func­tions and tech­no­lo­gies, but also maxi­mum safety. Equip­ped with the powerful Ecotorq engine, they deli­ver outputs of 450 hp (4x2) and 480 hp (6x4).
  • F‑LINE series: The F‑LINE series is charac­te­ri­sed by an impres­sive payload combi­ned with low fuel consump­tion. Equip­ped with a 100% in-house manu­fac­tu­red Ecotorq engine from Ford Trucks, it offers a choice of 330, 420 or 450 hp and is available with 4x2, 6x2, 6x4 and 8x4 drive formu­lae.
  • F‑LINE road series: This series combi­nes perfor­mance and comfort for long-distance trans­port. With versi­ons of 330 and 420 hp, networked vehicle tech­no­logy and compre­hen­sive safety func­tions, it is the perfect choice for deman­ding road appli­ca­ti­ons. The rear air suspen­sion protects the load, while various wheel formu­las such as 4x2, 6x2 or 6x4 ensure maxi­mum adap­ta­bi­lity.
Unsere Ford LKW - Vielseitige Arbeitspartner für Ihr Business.

Features of Ford Trucks trucks set new trends on the roads

Why the F-MAX is a pioneer in safety:

Equip­ped with pionee­ring safety features that meet the strict guide­lines of the Gene­ral Safety Regu­la­tion (GSR 20024), the F‑MAX lives up to its name by offe­ring truck drivers and other road users maxi­mum protec­tion in all driving situa­tions.

The new safety features of the F‑MAX include:

  • Colli­sion Moni­to­ring (MOIS): This func­tion alerts the driver if unpro­tec­ted road users are in the blind spot in front of the vehicle to avoid poten­tial colli­si­ons.
  • Turn Assist (BSIS): The Turn Assist warns the driver of pede­stri­ans or cyclists on the passen­ger side of the vehicle during the turning mano­eu­vre.
  • Driver Atten­tion Assist (DDAW): Moni­tors the driver’s atten­tion and indi­ca­tes when to take a break.
  • Emer­gency Brake System (ESS): Auto­ma­ti­cally acti­va­tes the hazard warning lights when emer­gency braking is perfor­med to warn other road users.
  • Intel­li­gent Speed Assistant (ISA): Reco­g­ni­ses spee­ding with the help of came­ras and GPS-supported traf­fic sign reco­gni­tion and informs you of this.
  • Rear Traf­fic Alert System (REIS): Uses came­ras or sensors to show the driver whether there are obsta­cles or people behind the vehicle when rever­sing.
  • Tyre Pres­sure Moni­to­ring System (TPMS): Conti­nuously moni­tors the tyre pres­sure and warns the driver if devia­ti­ons occur.
  • Faci­li­ta­ted instal­la­tion of alco­hol interlocks (ALC): Device makes it possi­ble to install various alco­hol interlocks to increase safety on the roads.

Additional high-tech features for your Ford Trucks lorry

Play it safe with the F-MAX!

  • Active Brake Assist with pede­strian detec­tion: reco­g­ni­ses objects and pede­stri­ans in front of the vehicle and can initiate emer­gency braking at light­ning speed to avoid colli­si­ons.
  • Adap­tive high beam: Auto­ma­tic swit­ching between high and low beam ensu­res glare-free illu­mi­na­tion of the road and maxi­mum visi­bi­lity.
  • Intel­li­gent Adap­tive Cruise Control ACC: The intel­li­gent cruise control with ‘Stop and Go’ func­tion regu­la­tes the speed accor­ding to the vehicle in front to avoid poten­tial colli­si­ons.
  • Active Lane Keeping Assist: Helps the driver to keep the vehicle safely in lane and auto­ma­ti­cally corrects the direc­tion of travel if the vehicle unin­ten­tio­nally leaves the centre of the lane.
Unsere Ford LKW trotzen selbst eisigen Temperaturen.
Entdecken Sie unsere Ford LKW - Leistungsstarke Nutzfahrzeuge für Ihr Business.

We offer you:

More than transportation – with Ford Trucks we take you to every destination!

Comprehensive service

As your relia­ble part­ner, we are at your side with expert advice and support in all matters — from sales and services to hire. Our services include a first-class service work­shop with a strong part­ner network and round-the-clock break­down assis­tance.

Demo- & rental vehicles

With our demo and hire vehi­cles, we offer you the oppor­tu­nity to test a Ford truck in advance. This allows you to test the truck exten­si­vely in various opera­ting scena­rios and convince yours­elf of its perfor­mance, relia­bi­lity and nume­rous features before you make a final decis­ion.

Buying & selling

Our expe­ri­en­ced team will provide you with in-depth exper­tise and ensure that you find exactly the vehicle that meets your requi­re­ments. We also support you in selling your current vehicle by carry­ing out fair valua­tions and making attrac­tive offers.

The Ford F-MAX is much more than a truck

Big truck, big dreams!

The Ford Trucks F‑MAX attracts all atten­tion with its impo­sing design. The model impres­ses with its power, high-quality equip­ment and modern LED light­ing. Thanks to elec­tric stee­ring and shock-absor­bing suspen­sion, it also features a high level of driving comfort.

Look forward to powerful features:

  • Powerful perfor­mance with 500 horse­power even under heavy load
  • Envi­ron­men­tally friendly thanks to various driving modes
  • Relia­ble braking power of 440 kW
  • Econo­mical fuel consump­tion
  • Modern safety systems such as a lane depar­ture warning system and emer­gency braking assistant

Whether it’s design, comfort, tech­no­logy or engine perfor­mance, the Ford F‑MAX will posi­tively surprise you on every level and still main­tain excel­lent fuel effi­ci­ency even in the toug­hest road condi­ti­ons.

Entdecken Sie unsere Ford LKW - Robuste Transportlösungen für den professionellen Einsatz.
Unsere Ford LKW bieten höchste Leistungsfähigkeit für Ihr Gewerbe.

Test the Ford Trucks F-MAX now and drive one of our rental vehicles

No destination too far, no load too heavy!

To expe­ri­ence the high comfort and lucra­tive advan­ta­ges of the Ford Trucks F‑MAX first­hand, we offer you the oppor­tu­nity to take a test drive with our demo vehi­cles.

We are confi­dent that the F‑MAX will quickly capti­vate you and become your new loyal compa­n­ion on the road!

Long-term bene­fits include:

  • High effi­ci­ency and redu­ced fuel consump­tion
  • High-quality mate­ri­als and high-tech features
  • The Connec­Truck digi­tal service system

Compre­hen­sive main­ten­ance contracts and mini­mal down­time

Get advice now

Uwe Dietrich

P Get in contact.
We are happy to be there for you.

Do you have ques­ti­ons about the F‑MAX or
Ford Trucks in gene­ral? I’m available to
provide my exper­tise at any time.

Uwe Dietrich neben einem Volvo Truck.

The Ford F-MAX is equipped with the latest technologies

The solution for your transportation needs!

The future-orien­ted Ford F‑MAX leaves nothing to be desi­red. At the cutting edge of tech­no­logy, it makes truckers’ ever­y­day work easier, while ensu­ring increased safety on the road.

  • These advan­ced features ensure more safety and driving plea­sure:
  • Connec­ti­vity: be connec­ted to the vehicle via app & have access to track­ing, consump­tion, etc.
  • Auto­ma­tic emer­gency braking func­tion
  • Relia­ble lane-keeping assistant
  • Forward-looking adap­tive cruise control


Feel free to cont­act us if you are inte­res­ted in the F‑MAX and we will provide you with detailed advice on the indi­vi­dual advan­ta­ges in a perso­nal conver­sa­tion. You can also find out more on the offi­cial Ford Trucks website.

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