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Renault Trucks

Robust commer­cial vehi­cles for a
variety of trans­por­ta­tion acti­vi­ties!

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Renault Trucks - Zuverlässige LKW
Ein malerischer Sonnenuntergang begleitet diesen Renault Truck auf seiner Reise.

Renault Trucks offers a wide range of commercial vehicles

The perfect truck for every transport!

Official service partner

As an offi­cial Renault Trucks service part­ner, we offer expert advice on various models and are happy to support you with our compre­hen­sive service.

Long-distance transportation

The Renault Trucks T and T High models are ideally suited for long-distance use, ensu­ring maxi­mum profi­ta­bi­lity on every kilo­me­ter driven.

Construction site transportation

Versa­tile and adap­ta­ble, the Renault Trucks C and K models are at home on any terrain and, with their small turning radius, make navi­ga­tion easier on hard-to-reach cons­truc­tion sites.

Distribution transport

The Renault Trucks D offers maxi­mum custo­miza­tion, tail­o­red to the speci­fic needs of each custo­mer.


The Renault Trucks Master Red EDITION impres­ses with its variety of opti­ons and provi­des the right solu­tion for every chal­lenge with nume­rous special features.

Vertrauen Sie auf die Zuverlässigkeit unserer Renault Trucks.

Electric trucks for a change of direction in transport

Renault Trucks – a pioneer
of e-mobility!

If you are facing incre­asing opera­ting costs due to the inten­si­fy­ing climate crisis, it’s worth conside­ring swit­ching your fleet to Renault Trucks’ elec­tric trucks. Thanks to lower main­ten­ance costs compared to inter­nal combus­tion engi­nes and govern­ment subsi­dies for freight forwar­ders, the envi­ron­men­tally friendly invest­ment quickly pays off.

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Uwe Dietrich

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about Renault Trucks?

Are you enthu­si­a­stic about Renault Trucks
vehi­cles? Feel free to cont­act me for a
detailed consul­ta­tion.

Renault Trucks T and T High Sleeper Cab excel in long-distance transportation

Maximum profitability on every mile!

When trave­ling long distances, endu­rance is essen­tial and usually cannot afford long delays. That’s why the Renault Trucks T and T High models are perfectly tail­o­red to the chal­lenges of long-distance trans­por­ta­tion. Their excel­lent fuel effi­ci­ency and relia­ble perfor­mance levels reduce average fuel consump­tion to an abso­lute mini­mum, allo­wing for signi­fi­cantly more econo­mical driving.

Bene­fit from:

  • Up to 10% redu­ced fuel consump­tion
  • Adap­tive cruise control
  • An aero­dy­na­mic cab with plenty of room for the driver, storage space, etc.
  • Low total costs of owner­ship (TCO)
  • High driving comfort and a multi-adjus­ta­ble stee­ring column

When you choose a T Series model, you can look forward to an exten­sive service offe­ring that effi­ci­ently avoids costly down­time, conside­ring your speci­fic requi­re­ments.


LKW mieten - Starke Renault Truck Flotte für Ihre Transportanforderungen.
Qualität, die selbst auf der Baustelle überzeugt - Renault Trucks.

Renault Trucks C and K are made for construction site transportation

Agile, robust and resilient!

Cons­truc­tion sites often present chal­len­ging condi­ti­ons. Uneven terrain, gravel and bould­ers place high demands on the requi­red commer­cial vehi­cles. Fort­u­na­tely, Renault Trucks’ cons­truc­tion vehi­cles are more than capa­ble of hand­ling diffi­cult ground condi­ti­ons. These trucks are extre­mely dura­ble, endu­ring and powerful.

Thanks to their small turning circle, even tight areas can be easily navi­ga­ted. The variety of available axle confi­gu­ra­ti­ons and fixtures for possi­ble attach­ments also makes it easy to perform short-term cons­truc­tion work as well as long-term main­ten­ance.

A wide range of compon­ents, such as:

  • Powerful power take-offs
  • Brackets on the longi­tu­di­nal beams
  • Selec­ta­ble tank dimen­si­ons
  • Custo­mizable frame over­hang
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Do you have any questions about our Renault trucks?
Contact us.

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We find the perfect Renault Truck for you

Powerful and efficient – Renault Trucks impress in every aspect!

If you want to relia­bly reach your deli­very points despite diffi­cult terrains, while bene­fiting from low fuel consump­tion and modern tech­no­logy, it is wort­hwhile to rely on the robust trucks from Renault Trucks. As an offi­cial service part­ner, we are happy to advise you on the respec­tive advan­ta­ges of the vehi­cles, ensu­ring that you receive the model and confi­gu­ra­tion that best meets your requi­re­ments. For exam­ple, with the C Xload 8x4 chas­sis, you have the ligh­test vehicle on the entire market.

The Renault Trucks D offers the greatest possible individuality for demanding distribution transport

A truck for every situation!

A compre­hen­sive range of diffe­rent chas­sis and body opti­ons makes the Renault Trucks D the ideal distri­bu­tion vehicle. Parti­cu­larly in dense inner-city traf­fic, deli­very drivers must cope with diffi­cult condi­ti­ons: high traf­fic volume, narrow access roads and the lively chaos of a wide variety of road users regu­larly create chal­len­ging situa­tions that have to be over­come. A truck that can adapt to the requi­re­ments of its own indus­try can become a real game chan­ger here.

With the D series, Renault Trucks also focu­ses on saving as much fuel as possi­ble without nega­tively affec­ting the produc­ti­vity of the distri­bu­tion vehi­cles. And no compro­mi­ses have been made on the comfort and design of the vehi­cles.

Get advice now

Sabrina Weschenbach

Get in contact. We are happy
to be there for you.

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about F‑MAX or Ford trucks
in gene­ral? I’m available to provide my exper­tise at any time.

Renault Trucks Master Red EDITION offers compact vans with plenty of off-road power

Agile on any terrain!

Small but powerful! The light­weight commer­cial vehi­cles of the Renault Trucks Master Red EDITION are flexi­ble due to their modu­lar design. Whether it’s a panel van, chas­sis or plat­form chas­sis — with these robust vans you are perfectly equip­ped for both urban and rural use.

The trucks in this series can be indi­vi­du­ally custo­mi­zed with exclu­sive special features that ensure grea­ter comfort, effi­ci­ency and safety. This allows you to find the perfect confi­gu­ra­tion for all requi­re­ments and adven­tures.

Look forward to:

  • A 150-hp Euro‑6 engine of emis­sion stan­dard 6‑d-Temp
  • A choice of six engine vari­ants, inclu­ding a fully elec­tric drive system
  • A 52 kWh battery with a range of up to 204 km

as well as a load capa­city of 8 to 17 m³.

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